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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Veterans Day Service

On November 11 at Memorial Park a brief service (co-sponsored by
the VFW & Am. Legion) was held at 11 a.m..[Honor Roll]

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Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck

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Mayor William Torree

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Joyce Powell ( Hennessey-Powel Funeral Home) in coordination with the National Funeral Directors Association, participated in a national red, white and blue balloon launch "Celebration of Freedom" to commemorate the groundbreaking of the new WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C.

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Heights 8th grade students interviewing and videotaping veterans for their school project.

Two comments presented by Uniformed speakers

"Thought of the Day"

It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer who has given us freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier, not the politician who has given us the right to vote.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves the country under the flag,
     and whose coffin is draped by the flag, because the soldier chose to defend the flag.

Not the soldier asked, "With this freedom, can't we at least protect our flag?"

Freedom is not free.

Why I Cried On Veterans Day
By Janet M. Jones

You know I Cried on Veterans Day,
for all our boys who passed away.
They gave their life and their devotion,
From the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean.
They only knew their cause was just,
to fight for freedom, they knew they must.
On Veterans Day who stopped to remember,
this sacred day in early November?
Our boys who died in foreign lands,
on the ocean and desert sands.
Wake up America and give out thanks
for all our heroes whatever their ranks.
I ask that you put this day aside,
to salute our heroes, renew your pride.
So few that honored those who died,
An that's the reason why I cried.

Patriotism Unfurled ...

Memorial Day
2007 [Service][FD Service]
2006 [Parade][Service][FD Service]
2005 [Parade][Service][FD Service]
2004 [Parade][Service][FD Service]
2003 [Service]       2002 [Parade][Service][FD Service]
2001 [Parade][Service]      2000 [Parade][Service]

July 4th Children's Parade
2007 [Parade]
2006 [General] [Parade] [Awards]
2005 [General][Parade][Awards]  2004 [General][Parade][Winners]
2003 [General][Parade][Winners]  2002 [General][General][Winners]
2001 [General][Parade][Winners]     2000 [General][General]

July 4th Fireworks
(includes mpg movies)
2006 [Rained out][Program][Fireworks]
2005  [Event][Program][Display]

2004 [Program][Display]
2003 [Story + Fireworks] [Setting up] [Detonation]  
1999 [Program][General][Setting up]

Veterans Day Service

Flag Day

Loyalty Day Service

About Loyalty Day   ·   About Buddy Poppies
History of Our Flag by Rose Marie Heck

Veterans Honor Roll   ·   Fire Department Honor Roll
Vietnam War Memorial Dedication [1][2]
American Legion Post 106
  ·  VFW Post 4591


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